omnia causa fiunt

Might as well refill your coffee and sit down, because I've been thinking again.

(Oh sweet bejeebus. Ok, hold on…. Go.)

Is it possible to love too much?

(I… wow. This is gonna be a good one.)

Think about that for a second. Is it possible to love someone too much? And at what point does it become too much? Ask anyone how they want to be loved and I'd wager that the vast majority would answer with something along the lines of "unconditionally," or "fully, completely."

(Great Tragically Hip song, by the way.)

You're really catching on. Gold star. Anyway, is it possible to love to that extent though, without loving too much? I guess it all depends on how you define those other words. Unconditionally. Fully. Completely. I suppose to love someone unconditionally means that you accept them for all that they are, with all their faults, without judgment. The same goes for fully and completely. BUT… and there's always a but… is it truly unconditional, full and complete?

I for one have been a victim to my own shortcomings when it comes to love. I firmly believe I've taken my love too far. I've obsessed. I've smothered. I've overwhelmed. And do you know why? Because I wasn't able to understand what unconditional love was. For me, my love was conditioned, whether I realized it at the time or not, upon what I felt, what I needed. I wasn't able to escape myself long enough to realize that my love was in fact conditioned by my own condition, and that because of that perhaps my love wasn't as full or complete as it could have been.

But then again… this begs another question: Was I not loved unconditionally because whomever I was with wasn't able to accept my faults and missteps?

(Whoa. I… your making my head hurt again. But in a good way this time, I think.)

Right? There has to be a balance. I am who I am. I love the way I love. I shouldn't be ashamed of it, nor should I feel guilty about it. Love is an emotion, and while it can to some extent be controlled, it cannot be contained. It's an energy, and what has happened every time in history when man attempts to contain energy?  Of course, it can be controlled, but inevitably that energy finds a way to release itself. Whether it's a forest fire, a lightning strike, a power plant meltdown, or even a scream of pain, energy finds a way to be free. So too does love, and so too must love.

(I so want to make a snarky comment, but I just can't. You're actually being deeply thoughtful and rational. Stop that.)

Don't worry, it will pass. But let's take it a step further – Do you regret having loved the way you might have loved someone?

(Hang on, now. That's a dangerously loaded question.)

It is, isn't it? But my answer is no, I do not. I've said many times that everything happens for a reason, and those I've loved I've loved for reasons, whether or not those reasons are known to me. My love for others has led me to be who I am, and frankly I've grown to be quite satisfied with who I have become. It's taken me some time to get to this point, yet here I am. That's not to say I don't have regret – we all have regret. For me, it's not so much regret of having loved, but of not heeding the signs, not listening a little more closely to that whisper deep inside of me, not paying just a bit more attention. Had I done so my life likely would have turned out very differently.

Now, last questions – Is it too late to love the way you were meant to love? Has time passed by so quickly that the years have erased the evidence of the path upon which you're meant to travel? Or do you just have to look a little more closely to find the stones beneath your feet? Having the desire to love being a part of me as much as the lungs that heave with deep, anticipating breathes in my chest, I must believe that the spectre of time hasn't come for my heart quite yet. I've more to give. I will always have more to give.

omnia causa fiunt.
Everything happens for a reason. I happen. My love happens. My heart happens. And there is, most certainly, a reason.

(I am going to need to read this again and really think about all this.)

 I hope you do. I truly hope you do.


© J.J. Goodman 2014. All rights reserved.