Ramblings of an Expectant Dad 2.0: Daughters, Soon
Okay, so, here's the thing…. (Oh bloody hell. What now?) You shush. I was going to say that I'm sorry for the decidedly atypical and harsh tone of my last post. It's just that, well, the political climate of the last four years has made me a little hyper-sensitive when it comes to the women in my life. I don't regret that, either. I have a huge responsibility as a daughter-dad to do whatever I can to be the best, male role model she, and her soon-to-be-sister, will ever have. That can be a little overwhelming sometimes, and you know what happens when I bottle things like that up. (Brain go POW!!!) *squints menacingly* I suppose I can't argue with that assessment. So yeah, that last blog post? Brain went pow. This one, however… let's get back to lighthearted and heartfelt, shall we? (Am I gonna need coffee and tissues?) Probably. Because today is, after all, Halloween. In a few short hours my betrothed and I will take ...