So What?
So I'm me, you're you, we're all
we, that's all we'll be, so let's be we and not care what people think about
you and me.
(I… Crap. You're in one of those moods, aren't you?)
Yup. And I'm fully caffeinated.
You may want to sit down for this one.
(Son of a… *sigh* Okay. Go for it.)
Actually it won't be that bad. I
promise your brain can handle it. Well, most of your brains. Some of you, well,
I know you too well. Anywhoos… Here's the thing – I've seen a couple of stories
in the media lately about the body-shaming of two, prominent, pop music icons. In
the one instance, some media-type in Britain went off on how "fat" singer
Kelly Clarkson has gotten. Ok, so there's this: a) Who the f*ck cares? B) Considering the media-type looked like she fell
out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down, who the hell is she
to criticize? And 3) WHO. THE. F*CK. CARES???
Clarkson's response was,
essentially paraphrased "I don't care what anyone thinks. I'm enjoying my
life, motherhood and feel fantastic." Good for you, Kelly. Because
honestly I think you're adorable in any event. Embrace your life and live it
how you see fit. Don't let some aesthetically challenged twit disparage you.
(Okay, playing devil's advocate
here – aren't you committing the same foul by disparaging the media
personality's appearance?)
I love that I imagine my readers
to be so astute. Yes. Yes I am, and frankly I do so for the purpose of making a
point. Everyone has an opinion. I have no more right to discuss another's
appearance than she did to discuss Clarkson's. While I did so to illustrate a
point, this person did so because… why, exactly? Exactly. There was no reason
to make such comments. The same goes for the recent reports about P!nk. For those
unfamiliar, P!nk had a photo taken with her daughter and for some reason, the
logic of which completely escapes me, someone thought P!nk looked fat in the
Say what??? Okay, in full disclosure,
P!nk turns me on and scares the sh*t out of me at the same time. I saw the
picture at the heart of this "controversy" and had to wipe a
bit-o-drool. To think that someone else thought… Some people are just dumber
than a box of rocks, I swear. P!nk's response though? Basically "F*ck you.
I feel beautiful." Because so what? She's a rock star.
(She's got her rock moves, and
she don't need you tonig… DAMMIT!!!!)
Earwormed. Suckers. Within the first
500 words, too. *snicker*
(*gives evil eye*)
Oh stop it. The nicer weather is finally
upon us and that's an awesome, top/windows down kind of tune. But it provides a
perfect background for this discussion. The earlier line in the song states "So
what? I'm still a rock star. I got my rock moves. And you're a tool." I
couldn't say it any better. We as a society are too obsessed with the way other
people look/act/do/perform/whatever. If Kelly Clarkson doesn't feel the need to
be a size 2, what the hell business is it of ours? And if you think P!nk looks
fat, please wear this tin foil hat because clearly you were placed here among us by aliens hell bent on destroying
My point is this: mind your own
business. If you think someone's fat, try taking a look in the mirror. And stop.
Judging. Another fine example of this occurs on pretty much every other woman's
profile on What are the vast majority of women looking for in a man?
Six feet or taller, slim or athletic and toned. Really, honey? Because I've
seen your photos, too. You're not exactly svelte and I wouldn't claim that your
face could launch a dozen ships let alone a thousand like Helen of Troy. Judge
not, lest ye be judged. I do find it ironic that again, the vast majority of
the woman who list those qualities amongst those they seek… are still single
and searching. You know why? Because you're judgmental and unrealistic.
(Bitter much?)
Honestly, yes, I am a little
bitter about the whole thing. Granted men do it too, don't get me wrong. And yes,
if I look at your picture and I'm not physically attracted to you, I will pass
your profile by. But I'm not going to be so presumptuous as to say that I'm specifically
looking for someone who's a size 2 with big… eyes. You never know who will
finally claim your heart, so why narrow the field so drastically? I got news
for you ladies – there's something to be said for Joe Average, as there is for
Jane Average, fellas. People who look like Greek Gods look that way for a
reason – because they focus on themselves. Is that really the kind of person
you want?
I don't know. I guess I just find
it sadly, pathetically amusing how we as a people continue to judge one another
based on the dumbest criteria. I've said it before – I've known some
incredibly, physically attractive people who are amongst the ugliest souls I've
ever met. It ain't all about appearance.
(You're making sense again.
Please stop. You're scaring me.)
Sorry. I'm just me. Smell like I
sound, lost in a crowd….
(And I'm hungry like the wolf… Seriously.
Now I really hate you.)
You cannot hate me for Duran
Duran. Mouth is alive, all running inside….
Judge me for my earworms, not my
appearance. Wait, I take that back. Don't judge me at all. Shake your head,
tease me, laugh at me, laugh with me, but don't judge me. And I won't judge
you. Unless you think Keanu Reeves is a good actor. Then you're getting judged,
and you just brought that on yourself.
(You really do need help.)
I know. It's part of my charm. So
© 2015 J.J. Goodman. All rights reserved.
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