My Writing Process, or Lack Thereof...

Many people have asked me how I write. I usually reply with something like "on a keyboard" or "with words." After waiting for the look of disdain I receive in response to my glib answer to evaporate from the inquisitor's face, I offer the following: I am a stream of consciousness writer. I get an idea. I run with it. I let it take me where it wants to go. I don't plan ahead, and I don't outline. I had to outline in law school. Yes, it was helpful then, but then I was trying to memorize things like the Rule Against Perpetuities (which, incidentally, not a single practicing attorney will be able to describe if you asked them. Go ahead, ask...) and what a tortfeasor was. Heh heh. Tortfeasor. What a great word. ANYWAY... I can't outline when I write. I find it too constraining as I then feel obligated to follow the outline and let's face it - sometimes stories take on a life of their own. It may or may not want to get to Article IV, Section A, subsection 2(b).

Take The Diligent, for example. I got an idea in my head so I started writing. Most of my works start with a few paragraphs, maybe a page or two. No characters have names because I don't want to get too invested in them yet. Then I read what I've written, and read it again. If I think it's got potential I might throw it up on Facebook for some initial feedback. If it garners some interest I'll take another look. The Diligent, however, instantly hit me. I had ideas swirling in my head and if I didn't get them out and onto the proverbial paper I think I would have gone mad. So I took that initial sample, gave the main character a name, and off I went. Twenty-six days later I had a 350 page manuscript completed. It is by far the shortest time I have ever taken to write an entire book. (I have multiple other manuscripts which I'll introduce to you in time.) It is also the first book I have had the courage to publish. WARNING: First shameless plug for my own work is about to appear... HERE ---->  The Diligent is currently available for the Amazon Kindle by clicking (or cutting and pasting) the link below!

(Also available for iBooks, Nook, Kobo, and other eReader platforms)

Available for a couple months now the book has received a solid 4-star rating. Most like it, some love it, some hate it. You can't please everyone all the time. I'm learning that lesson the hard way as I take things to heart. Luckily most of the negative comments have had to do with editing, which is something that can easily be fixed the next time around. (And yes, there will be a next time around. I am currently working on a sequel to The Diligent which I hope to have available by September.)

So... that's basically it. I get an idea. It drives me crazy until it forces its way out of my head and onto the printed page. I don't plan. I generally don't have an ending in mind until I write it. And I love every minute of it. When I'm done I lean back in my chair, maybe take a sip of scotch, gaze at the screen in front of me and grin like a preteen boy that just found his older sister's diary.  I read the words and think to myself, "yeah, I did that."


PS - I never read my sister's diary. As far as she knows.
PPS - Did anyone pick up on the subtly implied 2(b) or not 2(b) joke? Yes? No? *sigh* I know. I need help.
