The Politics of Politics

So here's the thing… We are a little over a year and four months away from the next United States Presidential election… and it's started already. What's started, you ask? The vitriol. The political extremism on social media. The ignorance. It's going to be a long year. A long, long year.
I generally try not to venture into the political fray, and the purpose of this post is not to espouse one political agenda over another. No, the purpose of this post is simple – To tell all of you to stop being assholes before you truly become them. Like I said, it's already started. It disappointments me, frustrates me, and sometimes angers me, because the vast majority of political postings I see on social media are nothing more than invectives with little or no social or political substance. It's easy to cast aspersions. How about you try discussing issues?
Perhaps the biggest issue for me is the hypocrisy. And it comes from both sides of the political aisle. I do have to say though; I have a lot of "liberal" friends, and I'd say an equal number of "conservative" friends. By and large I see political posts from both factions. What saddens me though is that, speaking from personal experience, there seems to be a much greater hypocrisy coming from the conservatives. Now, that's not to say the liberals don't espouse their fair share too, but here's an example:
There's an internet meme floating around in which various democratic political leaders and liberal-leaning persons are mockingly depicted as liars. I.e. Hillary Clinton with the mocking label "honest," George Stephanopoulos with the label "journalist," and President Obama with the label "presidential." Are these monikers fair? In some cases, admittedly, yes. But what bothers me is the ultimate hypocrisy of the post.
I ask anyone who posts that – will you also post a similar meme mocking Bill O'Reilly as a "journalist," or Governor Christie as "honest," or George W. Bush as "presidential?" I doubt you will. And if you don't, you're a hypocrite and part of the problem that is American politics. If you disrespect the office of our presidency because of the person that occupies it, you are part of the problem. Obama is no more lacking in presidential quality than was Bush… than was Clinton, than was Nixon… this list goes on. It's so easy to place blame on the President. I know, I admittedly and ashamedly have done it myself. And I regret it. Our political system is flawed, of that there is no question. But the ignorance spewed on social media is downright appalling.
Democrats/Liberals are no better. Hypocrisy knows no bounds on that side of the aisle, too. Go ahead, scream from equal rights, freedom of speech… while denouncing the right to bear arms. As conservatives tend to cherry pick their biblical scriptures as justification for legislation, so too do liberals cherry pick their constitutional amendments. First Amendment? Right on!! Second Amendment? Of no, we can't have people having all these guns. Really? Really??
I'm angered by the liberal community holding up false idols that lie and disappoint (see, generally, pretty much any democratic politician). I'm furious with the conservative community holding up false idols that belie the Christianity they purport to uphold and utilize as the basis of legislation (see, Duggar Family).
A pox on both your houses. Demand freedom and equality, but denounce those who express a religious ideal? Shame on you, Liberal. Demand legislation limiting a woman's right to control her own body, but support the death penalty? Shame on you, Conservative.  We, each and every single one of us that picks and chooses to support a cause that is directly contradictory to something else we abhor, are hypocrites.
So here is my plea – Cut. The. Shit. Enough with the mud-slinging and the hypocrisy and disrespect. Enough with the "Obama is the anti-Christ" bullshit rhetoric. Because it's not true. He's not, any more than was Bush or any of the other presidents I mentioned above. And if you are spewing that kind of nonsense, then you, yes YOU, are worse than they ever were or will be. Have a problem with a Democratic president? Take issue with Republican candidate? Instead of being an asshole on Facebook, how about getting out and voting? How about volunteering? How about posting something intelligent about an issue rather than disparaging and demeaning those we've elected?
I used to make fun of Bush, I did. And I fully admit it and accept my own hypocrisy. I realize now what kind of damage having that kind of attitude can cause. To our country, to relationships, to the political landscape as a whole.  So I'm calling myself out. I'm calling you out. If you think you're better than Obama, or Trump or Clinton or Santorum or whomever it is you are disparaging…. Prove it.
Sadly, most of you won't. I know fully well that my Facebook newsfeed from now until well after next November's election will be filled the very political memes I denounce with this blog post. I know that it will get to a point that I will hide friends, whom I generally respect, from my Facebook newsfeed for the better part of the next year because they won't be able to resist. If you need to post such things, post them. It's your right. I can't stop you. I can only encourage you to do what's right. And I can choose to ignore you.
Freedom of Speech, like the Right to Bear Arms, is our right. But what good are these rights, really, if we abuse them to the point we lose sight of the reason for their existence in the first place? Be smart. Be a part of the dialogue, not part of the diatribes. Participate, don't point fingers. Speak, don't spew. Converse, don't chide. I recently had an exchange on Facebook with a friend, someone whom I respect greatly, in which we disagreed greatly over a particular political topic. The dialogue was even toned and respectful, and though we do not see eye to eye on the subject, we were able to discuss it and walk away from the encounter with what I hope was still a mutual understanding of each other's position, and our friendship. THAT, my dear readers, is what I hope for us all.
Politics is ugly business, because we make it so. It's divisive, demeaning, and detrimental because politics today is so focused on personal gain that we've forgotten its purpose. By the people, for the people, remember?  No politician is perfect. No person is perfect. Yet we pretend that we should be and tear ourselves down when we fail to aspire to that which we preach but seldom practice. There is the distinct possibility that I will eventually post something on social media that will cause someone to refer back to this very post and say "Aha! Look at Mr. 'Glass House' throwing stones!" I admit I'm not perfect, and you know what? I'm not even going to try to be perfect. I will, however, try to be better.
Will you?
© 2015 J.J. Goodman. All rights reserved.
