The Perils of Perception
Perception is a wonderful thing. [Insert sarcasm here.] Some say perception is everything. I say perception is a bunch of, in the immortal words of the dearly departed Col. Potter, horse hockey. (Oh boy…here we go.) Yeah, you may wanna sit down and grab a drink or some more coffee for this one. Here's the thing – over the last several weeks there's been some things that have come up in my life that are all about perception. We rely so heavily on how we perceive things that we often overlook the substance of that which we're viewing and fail to appreciate it for what it is. My case in point has its basis in my recent home purchase. Having the benefit of an overlap between the closing on the house and the expiration of my lease, I have been able to take my time to personalize and paint my new home prior to moving my furniture and the remaining bulk of my belongings. Admittedly, shamelessly, proudly and yes, perhaps a bit narcissistically, I have been po...