Two Hundred. For Real This Time.
Well, here we are at number two-hundred.
(Are you sure this time?)
Be quiet, you. Yes, I'm sure. I wasn't
quite sure what to do for this, the bi-centennial post, so I went back over the
weekend and perused the previous one hundred and ninety-ni… ok eight posts I'd previously
published. Of course that resulted in the discovery of the error in my
mathiness and yesterday's true post number 199. Beyond that however, I wanted
to see how this blog has progressed, what types of things I've written, and how
people have reacted. I have to say, I am truly humbled.
Since I've started this nonsense
I've shared a great deal about me personally, far more than I would have
expected looking back. I tell people that I am an open book, buy how many of us
say that and truly mean it? I suspected that I did not, but it made me feel
better to think that I was the open volume I claimed to be. In reading some of
my past posts, though, I've come to determine that I have been fairly true to
my word – In many instances you've gotten good glimpses into my persona and
have experienced my quirks, my sarcasm, my cynicism, my elation, and my
depression. Through other posts you've gotten not just a glimpse, but an
immersion experience into my head and my heart. Frankly I'm a little surprised at
how much I've shared here on these pages. While I joke that doing so is cheaper
than therapy I can tell you with no uncertainty…. That it is indeed cheaper
than therapy. I'm sure you've learned a lot about me that perhaps you didn’t need
to know. You've put up with my shenanniganery –
(Like made up words?)
Yes, among other things. You've endured
my rambling, my bemusement, my author-experimentation, and my adolescent fears
and animosities.
(Clowns, Keanu Reeves, the new Jeep
Cherokee, something about candy corn….)
Precisely. Here you've been
exposed to short stories, satire, poems, songs, sadness and joy, sarcasm and
sincerity. You've been loyal readers, and you've provided me the inspiration to
create the imaginary Parenthetical Heckler to serve as your voice, as I imagine
your thoughts while you read my words.
(Wait, I'm not real???)
Oh you're real, all right.
Without you I wouldn't do this. Without you I couldn't do this. You are precisely what makes this all worthwhile.
Granted, I would write anyway. It's my release. Allowing the words to flee from
my fingertips onto these pages is my freedom. It is what allows my mind to
settle, my heartbeat to slow, and my breath to steady. I cannot, and will not,
stop writing. And then something astoundingly magical happens: You. You happen
to click on a link and come to visit. You wander, stay a while, or simply pass
by. But you come. And that is pretty fucking cool.
(Holy crap, you actually swore! Typed
out the whole word and everything!)
I totally did. For whatever reason
I usually self-censor just enough to get the point across without actually
cursing. In that instance up there? It was warranted, because the fact that you choose to read these words, and keep coming
back for more, really is pretty fucking cool. See? I did it again. That's how
strongly I feel about the topic. That's how strongly I feel about you, and how
much I appreciate the support you've given me to continue to fill these pages
with anything and everything that spews out of mind.
(That is pretty fucking cool.)
I didn't say you could swear.
(I…um… sorry. *blushing*)
I'm just teasing. You come out of
my head, remember?
(Touché, pussycat.)
I am many things; I'm a son; a
grandson; a brother; an uncle; a nephew and a cousin. I am a lawyer, but really
a Jeep-driving country boy trapped in a lawyer's body. I am emotional,
intuitive, loyal and dedicated. I am brave but frightened. I am twice divorced
yet not disenchanted. I'm strong, and weak, and smart enough to understand that
dichotomy. I am forty-one years old, tattooed and bruised by the hardships I've
experienced. I am also optimistic and propelled by the wonders I've
encountered. I am all of these things and more, but when it all boils down….
I am a writer.
I may never have a New York Times
Best Seller. I may never get another monthly royalty check from for
my science fiction writings sufficient to even fill my gas tank, and Oprah may
never choose my tomes for her Book of the Month. All or any of that would be
great, certainly, but I don't need it. As long as I can write, I will always
have balance.
At the writing of this two-hundreth post,
I've published three books in the Deep Space Chronicles series and am nearly
150 pages into a fourth; I have four other completed manuscripts, including two
romantic thrillers, an erotic thriller and one that could, for sure, be the
basis for a Lifetime Movie of the Week. I have countless short stories, and
several others in various states of completion. I write in many instances not
because I want to, but because I have
to. The ideas come and scream to be released.
The questions I'm asked most
often seek to learn the source of my inspiration and how I come up with the
things I scribe. The answer is always the same – I don't have the first clue. The
words come, I write them down. Sometimes it is just that simple. And I thank God
every single day that I was blessed with the ability to do so. I don't know who
I would be without the ability to write, and my biggest fear is that someday I
will lose this gift forever. Until then, though, I thank you. From the bottom
of my heart, I thank you, for joining me on this journey. I am humbled beyond
all comprehension knowing that you are here with me, reading these words,
accepting them, enjoying and embracing them. In doing so you are embracing me,
and my heart swells with gratitude.
Tw hundred times now, I've put
words to these pages. Two hundred times. It's difficult to fathom, this notion
that on two hundred, separate occasions I've found words to share. I sincerely hope
there will be two hundred more such occasions, and two hundred more after that.
Something tells me that won't be an issue. And something further tells me that
if it is, there will be any number of you out there that will support,
encourage and inspire me to find a way to unlock the doors of my mind and allow
more words to escape.
Thank you, for being a part of this,
for being a part of me. You help me
be the writer I am, and you help me be the man that I am in so many ways, and
in the simplest of ways. I can never repay you for that gift, but I can offer
you my words, and my words are me.
Two hundred. Well what do you
© 2015 J.J. Goodman. All rights reserved.
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