Juxtaposition, Tuques, and Time Off
Do you ever just want to run away? (Um, like every day….) I mean seriously run away. Buy a plane ticket, pack a bag, and get the f*** outta Dodge. Just go, and not look back. I do. I think about it all the time. Then that pesky "job" and "responsibility" and "extradition" stuff gets in the way. And so I sit here, underutilizing my paid time off and over analyzing my life and wondering why the hell I don't just run away. (Sounds like a vicious cycle.) You have no idea. (Wait, haven't we had this discussion before?) You're very astute. Yes, yes we have. We tackled this very subject back in April, as a matter of fact. However, the issue warrants revisiting because apparently I am incapable of heeding my own advice. That vacation time I took in May? Used up a portion of my carry-over time from last year. As it stands now, a day away from Halloween, I have all but a scant ten hours of my paid time off still remaining for th...