I think I solved my insomnia problem.
No, really, I'm serious.
(HAHA…haha…ha… wait, what?)
Just kidding.
I know. But now that I have your attention, Let's talk about something important, like, respect.
(R-E-S-P-E-C… dammit!! You just Aretha'd us!)
Would you rather I'd Rick Rolled you?
(*sigh* no, I suppose not.)
That's what I thought. Now, as I was saying…. Respect is a lost art. Far too many have forgotten both its purpose, and its effect. Dictionary.com defines respect as "esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability."
Now I will be the first to tell you that I do not automatically respect a person. I don't care what title you hold, or how old you are, or what family you come from. Because believe me, I've come across some older folk who don't deserve a lick of respect. (See, for example, the nitwit who, according to the world wide interwebs, tried to shut down the neighbor kid's lemonade stand while at the same time he was (allegedly) illegally running his own business out of his home.) Likewise, I've met "partners" and "presidents" and "managers" of various businesses who were far less deserving of the respect one might otherwise bestow upon someone in such a position.
Respect is something you earn, not something you demand.
(Amen to that. Crap. You just got me to agree with you. Stop that.)
You should agree with me on this. Respect is, for the most part, not something that should by any means be considered automatic. I say for the most part, though, because there are some fundamentals when it comes to respect that should be followed.
For example, I fully believe that men should respect women. Period. End of story. When it comes to respecting women I firmly follow the "innocent until proven guilty" theory. Why? Honestly, I don't have a good explanation. I don't view women as the weaker sex, nor do I feel they are superior to men. Perhaps it’s just nature – women can give birth, and if you can create life, well…. Maybe I'm just a chivalrous hold-over. Call me old fashioned, but I don't believe any man should ever strike a woman except in self-defense. This has been a hot topic lately given the recent news about a certain football player now caught on video knocking his girlfriend/wife/whatever unconscious in an elevator. (On that…. There is a special place in hell for men like that, and why is she still with him???) Domestic violence, whether emotional or physical, is perhaps the lowest kind of disrespect there is, in my eyes. If a man is that insecure that he feels the need to berate or beat the woman he's with…. Let's just say perhaps the old "eye for an eye" principal might not be such a bad idea. I know I should never wish pain on others, but in some cases….
(Still agreeing with you. This is kind of scary.)
Isn't it though?  Anwhoos…. Do good. Be good. Help people. Share a smile or an ice cream sundae. Do something to earn respect and be a person worthy of it. Never, ever, ask for it.
At the same time though, you're smart enough to know when you've earned it and haven't received it. In those cases, what to do you? Nothing. You still don't demand it, and you don't even ask for it. If someone doesn't give you the respect you deserve, it's because they are a low, shallow person who probably turns around and demands respect for themselves. I've usually found that to be the case – The ones who demand respect the most are the ones that give it, and have earned it, the least. I pity those people. What a sad, pathetic existence they must lead, living their delusion of grandeur.
(A Jedi knight!!! I'm out of it for a little while and everybody gets delusions of grandeur!)
Nice use of the Star Wars quote right there, but you know you still have Aretha Franklin stuck in your head.
(Oooo your kisses, sweeter than hon… DAMMIT!!!!)
My last point is this – yes, respect is something that's earned, but that doesn't mean you can't give it anyway. And you should. I'm not talking about bowing down or anything like that, but if you see an elderly woman behind you, hold the door for her. If they guy next to you drops something, pick it up for him. If someone has the conviction to say something aloud, even if you don't agree with it, praise them for having the courage to do so. You'd be surprised how giving respect goes a long way towards earning it.
Hopefully this all makes sense to you. If you don't think so, I respect your opinion. Even though it's wrong.
(Hehehe… HEY!)
That was for comedic purposes. And it made you laugh. Don't deny it.
(Touché, pussycat.)
Seriously, though. Show some respect. Pay it forward, and you'll surely be rewarded in kind. Be respectful, and respectable, and see what happens. I suspect you'll be pleasantly surprised.
(What about Keanu Reeves? You have to respect his acting ability… *snicker*)
Don't push it.
© 2014. J.J. Goodman. All rights reserved.
