Just... Shut Up, Taylor Swift
So I'm flipping through the Yahoo.com
headlines and see that Taylor Swift has declared she is "straight up
enemies" with an another female artist (speculation identifying that
artist as Katy Perry).
Straight up enemies.
Excuse me, what?
Did she just… oh honey, no. Let me
explain something to you. The Roman Empire and Hannibal? Enemies. Lions and
Zebras? Enemies. Nazis and, well, pretty much everybody? Enemies. You and Katy
Perry? Just, shut up, Taylor Swift.
On this day in particular, reading those
words irks me. Angers me. Enrages me. Today is September 11th. Do
you seriously mean to tell me that you are going to make such an asinine,
idiotic, nonsensical statement so close to this day, let alone ever? I, wow.
On this day in 2001 our ENEMIES hijacked
the sanctity of our freedom by commandeering our aircraft and flying them into
our landmarks. Though admittedly one such effort was thwarted, that effort
nonetheless cost innocent, American lives. Our sense of freedom and safety was
shattered. Lives were ruined. Not one single American life was left unaltered
by the events of that day. Even all these years later, we remember. We mourn.
We relive the horror, we shed the tears, and we still wonder why someone would
hate our people so completely as to engage in that kind of cowardly, terrorist
act. But by all means compare yourself and another pop singer to being enemies.
You know, two pop singers. With
multi-million dollar careers. Platinum records. Covers of Rolling Stone magazine. Wanting for nothing, and neither of your
actions having the least bit of effect on the other's life or career.
What, pray tell, was the consequence of
her "enemy's" actions? According to her interview in the
aforementioned Rolling Stone,
"…now I have to avoid her. It's awkward and I don't like it."
Awkwardness, an enemy makes.
to let that sink in*
Her "enemy" caused things to
be "awkward."
*smacking head*
You know what's awkward? The "walk
of shame" the morning after a one-night stand. Farting in church. Riding
in an elevator with someone you know but whose name you've forgotten. Not
knowing whether or not to move in for a kiss on that first date. THOSE things
are awkward.
You're a grown adult. You're a
professional performer. Get. Over. It. Deal with it, and move on.
But whatever you do, do NOT claim this
woman with whom you're having a professional tiff to be your enemy. Especially
not now. Not when my county is remembering its fallen. Not when my friends and
family are forced to relive the events of a day that, like the attack on Pearl
Harbor, will truly live in infamy. Not when we see the hauntingly horrific
images on our TV screens, tearing open wounds that have yet to heal. Do not
speak such empty, hollow and childish words when we gather as a nation in
remembrance of those affected by a true
enemy, and how that enemy tried to tear apart the very fabric of our nation.
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2014 J.J. Goodman. All rights reserved.