If I Ruled...
I would hide the clouds
And scatter the winds
The sun would warm us by day
And the stars dazzle us by night
And all our worries would blow away
If I ruled the sky
If I ruled the sea
I would calm the waters
And quell the storms
By day we'd set or compass to the sun
With the North Star's glow to guides us by night
And all our worries would float away
If I ruled the sea
If I ruled the land
I would soften the ground
And help you climb every mountain
Its radiating heat will warm us by day
And its coolness sooth us by night
And all our worries would roll away
If I ruled the land
If I ruled all the creatures
I would give them shelter
And they'd love in return
The lark would serenade us by day
And the lion guard us by night
And all our worries would be chased away
If I ruled all the creatures
If I ruled only me
I would give it my best
And accept all my faults
I'd hold your hand in the day
And wrap you up in the night
And all of my worries would just fade away
If I ruled only me
© J.J. Goodman 2014. All rights reserved.