I'm Not. Neither Are You.
I've been doing a lot of reflecting lately. (Oooooo shiny!) Not THAT kind of reflecting, nitwit. As in the looking back on my life and thinking about Jack Handey, deep thought kind of stuff. ( You’re good enough, you’re strong enough, and gosh darn it, people like you?) Yes. I mean no. Well, wait…. Yes, I'm good enough and smar… Stop distracting me! (Sorry.) Grrr. Anyway, yes, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. About who I am, what makes me happy, and to what end I should strive. Putting all of that down on the proverbial paper helps me to clear my mind and process the thoughts that keep me up at night. (Like why ostriches can't fly?) I, what? No! Well, it will now, dammit. No, I'm talking about the thoughts I don't want to think about. My faults. My weaknesses. My shortcomings. My insecurities. All of those things that make me second guess myself. I talk a good game sometimes, and write on these pages about how I need to ...