Pssssst. Hi. I'm back. Remember me?

So, um… hey. Hi. I'm JJ. I'm that writer guy that writes strange things and sometimes pretends you guys are talking back to me. Remember me?
Fair enough. It has been some time. Okay fine… it's been just shy of six months since I've written anything on these pages. I could tell you all the reasons for why it's taken me so long to come back to this blog, but does it really matter, and do you really want to hear them? I suppose maybe some of you do, and for that I'm appreciative. What it boils down to is this: I'm an overstressed, anxiety-filled mess these days, having to deal with extraordinary burdens both thrust upon me and of my own doing.
(So, it's Wednesday, is what you're saying.)
You do remember me! Yay! But no. This is different. My day job right now, about which I don't usually comment publically, is extremely stressful. Think Cameron from Ferris Bueller's Day Off-level stress. Only I'm wound up so tight because of work that I'd have that diamond in ten days or less as opposed to Cameron's two weeks. That's all I'll say on that particular subject other than, after twenty years in my profession, this is the kind of stress neither I nor anyone needs.
So that's the thrust upon me stuff. The other burden is of my own doing, and while stressful, presents a manageable kind of stress. Most of you know that around this exact time last year I embarked on a new path when it comes to my writing. Last June I joined the pop culture website That Hashtag Show as a staff writer, musing on all things Star Wars. Well, let's just say I liked it. A lot. Like, a lot a lot. A LOT.
(So, you kinda liked it?)
Eh, it's ok.
Yes, I enjoy it immensely. So much so that now, a year later, I'm no longer Star Wars writer.
(Wait… what?)
I'm no longer just a Star Wars writer with the website. I've taken on a much larger role. Now, I moderate all the Star Wars content for the site. That's in addition to often serving as the de facto editor-in-chief for the entire website, continuing to write Star Wars and other content, assisting with daily operations of the company, and, well… sometimes I get to do stuff like this:
JJ Goodman
Just me, you know, doin' my job.
For those unknowing, that's me. Is this the first time I've ever posted a picture of myself? Maybe. Well that's me, anyway. Not the cute blonde. That is Ashely Eckstein, the effervescent and talented actress behind Star Wars character Ahsoka Tano.
(Effervescent? Fan-girl much?)
A little, yes, and I'm not ashamed. Anywhoos… Being a part of the company has been absolutely amazing, and I've made some incredible friends and connections along the way. But… yes, there's always a "but". It of course adds another level of stress. It's fun, don't get me wrong. A lot, in fact.
(You mentioned that.)
BUT… It is work. It takes time and effort. It's time and effort I don't mind spending, but it means I have to juggle day job, fun job, and that whole parenting thing I might have mentioned on these pages a time or twenty-three.
(You have offspring???)
Shut it, you. Parenting brings a whole different kind of stress. When I last checked in with you on that my daughter had just turned one year old. She's now approaching the seventeenth month of her existence. Remember, this child o'mine began walking a week shy of turning ten months old. Fast forward another seven months. She's had PRACTICE. I joked a few weeks ago that few things makes a parent move faster than a toddler running towards the toilet with the TV remote.
(Seriously, that sh*t is no joke.)
RIGHT?? This is what I'm saying. She's feeding herself, talking with a limited yet adorable vocabulary, and has a level of comprehension for a toddler that frankly astounds my own. And no, I'm still not going to reveal her name or show her face on these pages, but… I mean, well, just look at this hair!
She's very enthralled with the sea lions. Trust me.
Seriously. Enthralled. Watching the sea lions with a face full of wonderment. Scout's honor! She's a girl on the go, too, complete with the bruised shins and fat lip to show for it. She's my little Bonkeroo Bonsai.  And there isn't a single thing about being her father that I would change even for a second. And let me make this abundantly and in ALL CAPS clear: My daughter is in no way related to the burdens I mentioned above. Coming home, or picking her up from day care and seeing her silly smile or tiny little arms raised in the air for me to pick her up is, well… everything.
Add all these things together, plus trying to be a dutiful husband and goddammit I need to mow the lawn and sh*t I still need to fold that laundry and why are my brakes squeaking and did I remember to take something out for dinner and wait what did the dog eat now and do we have enough room for this family in this house and and and and and and…..
(Dude! Breathe!)
(And exhale, moron.)
Yeah. So. Some things haven't changed. Ashamedly, what did was my writing on these pages. I think I forgot how therapeutic it could be. So thank you, Internet doctors, for again reading my ramblings and letting me vent across your screens. So, to quote Keanu Reeves in John Wick:
"People keep asking me if I'm back, and I haven't really had an answer. But yeah, I'm thinking I'm back."

(Wait… did… did you just…*gasp* YOU QUOTED KEANU REEVES!!!!!!!!)
People grow. Don't make a big deal out of it.
(But you quoted Kean—)
I SAID don't make a big deal out of it. Now shush. Let's just suffice it to say I'm back, and leave it at that, shall we?
Stay tuned for more to come. Could be more rambling. Maybe new story ideas. Perhaps a recipe. Who knows. Want something specific? Send me a request. Until then… well…
In the jungle, the mighty jungle….
(The lion sleeps toniGODDAMMIT! An earworm in your first post back?)
Admit it. You missed me.  

