Orwellian Alternatives
So here we are. I could write
about how a certain narcissistic misogynist completely ignored his own wife,
left her at the car, and entered the White House without her. I could write
about how two of his first official acts as POTUS a) set women's rights world-wide
back decades and b) completely serve his own purported economic interests and
those of this subordinates. I could also write about how he's still more
concerned about public perception of him rather than the duties of the office he
now holds. Or how he self-aggrandized in front of a memorial to fallen
patriots. Or how even members of his own party dispute his unsubstantiated
claim that there were millions of illegal votes cast in the election.
But let's face it: I'd be
preaching to the choir in doing so on these pages, as most of my readership
tends to lean in the same socially conscious direction that I lean. I'm
grateful for that, and saddened, because I'd like to reach a greater audience.
I'd like to have a discourse. I'd like to maybe even change some minds.
The truth remains that some of
those that I know that support him continue to be apologetic for, or
indifferent to what he says and does even though, barely four days in office,
he's already taken actions against the best interests of even those that voted
for him.
I could go on, but I'll stop
Alternative. Facts.
This is what we've come to in
America. Somewhere Orwell's ghost is lamenting his prophetic foresight and
whispering "I told you so."
If our Executive Branch is going
to blatantly lie to the American public and spin its way through the next four
years, then you know what? Here's my list of Alternative Facts for
Our legal
representatives in government, regardless of party affiliation, will work
together to amend the Tax Code to ensure fair taxation for all citizens.
We will have a
health care system in which all will receive the care they require, regardless
of preexisting condition or income level.
Our government officials
will not enact policies that serve their own self-interests to the detriment of
We will for the
first time in our history truly be one nation, indivisible, with liberty and
justice for all.
Our government
officials will not seek to govern on the basis of one archaic, religious ideology
above all others.
Our government will
be one by the people, for the people, recognizing the equal rights of all of
our citizens.
Bigotry, racism, religious
fanaticism, discrimination, misogyny, and hatred will be words utilized in
textbooks to describe our nation's past.
Students will no
longer be saddled with debilitating debt as they struggle to find employment in
an already oversaturated workplace.
Our legislators will
serve with limits on their terms.
Criminals will
receive equal punishments for equal crimes regardless of their skin color.
Those that seek
respect shall be required to earn such respect, and those that deserve respect
shall be afforded it.
Freedom of the Press
shall truly be free, without repercussion.
Truth will be
favored over perception.
Kindness will end conflict.
Greed will not
destroy our environment; common sense will protect it.
I suppose I could go on. I'm sure
you have your own Alternative Facts to add to this list. I was once an
optimist. There have been two presidents in my lifetime who made me truly
believe that some or all of these things just might be possible. I don't have
that same hope now.
Accuse me of be pessimistic. Call
me dramatic. Tell me I'm wrong. Maybe you think I am. Maybe you think you're
right. Maybe tomorrow will be different.
You and I both know that it
won't. I'm just not afraid to admit it.
I have now spoken to one
supporter of the new POTUS who has already said, less than a week into his
administration, "I didn't think he'd really…."
Well, he did. And you should have
known he would. And will.
I spent the past weekend in Key
West to escape the mind-numbingness of our current reality. I spent in in
sunshine. In revelry. I met strangers who treated each other with kindness and
respect. I smiled. I laughed. And with few exceptions, there was little sign of
the new president. It was so refreshing, and welcomed. Key West is known as the
Conch Republic, and it truly is a different world down there. So little hate.
So little intolerance. So much acceptance and diversity.
At the same time, I know that
others can't afford themselves the privilege of escape. And I wish there were alternative
facts to address that truth.
"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.
It was their final, most essential command. His heart sank as he thought of the
enormous power arrayed against him, the ease with which any Party intellectual
would overthrow him in debate, the subtle arguments which he would not be able
to understand, much less answer. And yet he was in the right! They were wrong
and he was right."
How true were, and will be, these words of Orwell?
Alternative facts, indeed.
© 2017 J.J. Goodman. All rights reserved.
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