The Nonsense of Wellness
Okay, so, I appreciate positive thinking. I really do. (But….) But when I see my Facebook feed inundated with "be positive!" and "think positive!" and "don't be the damsel, be the dragon!" I want to barf big chunks of rainbow colored unicorns. (Tell us how you really feel.) Big. Chunks. Rainbow. Unicorns. (Dude, that was rhetorical sarcasm.) I know. But you also know that I have a tendency to be Captain Literal. Anyway, I get it. Be positive; think positive, positive things will happen, blah blah blah. Maybe I'm too cynical. Maybe I'm just too much a realist, but whatever the case I know for a fact that exhaling deeply isn't going to make all the ills of my day go away. The only thing accomplished by exhaling deeply is expelling a greater amount of gases from my lungs. And no amount of positive energy in the world is going to prevent that email/text phone call/political ignoranc...