Back to BC
After yesterday's
seriousnessness, I figure we should jump into a little levity. Levitation, if
you will. I mean, not the "make R2-D2 float in a swamp" kind of
levitation. Only Jedi can do that. Well, and Jedi Knights in training, I
suppose, since Luke wasn't really a Jedi yet at that point. I mean frivolity. Don't
go making stuff float around. You'll freak out your coworkers.
(Oh sweet bejeebus, how much
caffeine have you had already??)
Um, let's see… sixteen ounces,
plus a cup of tea, carry the two….
(*bangs head on desk*)
Oh pish posh. Don't be so
dramatic. My point is that there has been a lot of travesty in the news lately.
I opted to speak my mind about one particularly disturbing story, and while I
was generally supported in my stance, I did receive a fair share of negative
responses decrying my failure to voice my outrage at other social issues in the
same breath. To my detractors I say a) don't equate my passion on one
particular issue at one particular moment in time with dispassion when it comes
to other issues. I chose to speak about this issue in particular at this moment,
deal with it; and 2) be thankful I didn't riff about Tom Shady… I mean Brady… I
could have just as easily done that. But today, today we talk about something
fun. Something silly. Something that should put a smile on your face and if it
doesn't you're a cold-hearted, cotton-headed ninny-muggins.
(Oh boy….)
I am of course referring to the return…
of Bloom County.
(Opus is back?????)
Yes indeedy!!! Opus, Milo,
Binkley, the Anxiety Closet, Steve Dallas, you name them. Berkley Breathed has
gotten the band back together and has re-launched the iconic comic strip on his
Facebook wall. And these characters couldn't have returned at a more opportune
time. There is so much death and atrocity in today's world. We needed Bloom County, and all that it
represents. We needed that thirty second distraction to take us away from the bombardment
of negativity that drops upon us every single day.
We need Opus and his naiveté to remind
us that maybe, sometimes, life can be simpler, if we simply choose to view it
simply. And just as much, we need Milo and his sarcastic cynicism to show us
that you really cannot take life too seriously. Lest we forget poor Binkley,
whose over-active imagination and irrational anxiety makes us both chuckle and
evaluate our own irrationality and fear.
And then, of course, there is the
indubitable hilarity that is Steve Dallas. The scotch-drinking, crude, rude,
and unapologetically non-politically correct attorney makes an epic return by
accidentally posting a video of his nether-regional parts wearing a sombrero to
Twitter. This harkens back to one of my favorite Dallas lines of all time, when
he gives his a girlfriend a card that reads "Boobs, butt and knees, you're
all I sees, be me main squeeze."
(*giggle* I remember that.)
Who doesn't?? Steve Dallas is so
unapologetically bad that you cannot help but shake your head in judgmental
disbelief, love him just the same, all the while constantly wondering what kind
of trouble he's going to get himself into next.
Thus far, in glimpses, we've also
been reconnected with Oliver Wendell Jones, Cutter John, and indomitable Bill the
Cat; I wait longingly to see them in greater action. I hope that Mr. Breathed
also breathes life back into my favorite, foul-mouthed woodland creature,
Portnoy, as well as his trusty sidekick Hodge-Podge.
For me, Bloom County was an
integral part of my childhood. It was a daily escape into a frivolous world in
which I could lose myself, for a short while, laugh, smile and ignore the
pressures that plagued my adolescence. I think now, as an adult, I need that
kind of escape far more greatly than I ever did then. Like Eddie Money, I wanna
('cause I'm feelin' so much
older, but I can't go back I GODDAMIT!!! Just when I thought you were done with
the earworms….)
Don't fret. It could have been Two Tickets to Paradise.
(Gonna pack my bags and leave
tonig…. I curse you with the heat of a thousand suns.)
I know. *snicker*
Yes, folks, Bloom County is back, when we need it most. That is the gift
Berkley Breathed had always bestowed upon us – a beacon of levity in a harsh world
too often full of despair. And here we are, at yet another arguably low point
in our history, inundated with images of man's depravity… And Bloom County is back. Will it solve our
world's problems? Of course it won't. Will it allow us to escape them, even
momentarily, and be reminded that we can still find moments of elation and joy?
Yer darn tootin'.
Sometimes it really is the simple
things that make life bearable. For me, in this case, it's something as simple
as a silly comic strip that reminds me of happier, and even simpler times. So I
am thankful for whatever epiphany Mr. Breathed experienced to drive him back to
the literal drawing board. For many years I considered him, and the characters
of Bloom County, beloved friends. For
years after that, they were beloved, remembered friends. And now here they are,
back in my life, making me smile, as if no time has passed at all. That is the gift
Berkley Breathed gives to me, to all of us, who flock to his frivolity. We enjoy
the new iterations as fondly as we remember the prior, and I say thusly:
Pear pimples for hairy fish nuts.
(*gigglesnort* I remember that
one, too.)
I thought you might.
© 2015 J.J. Goodman. All rights reserved.
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