Twenty-5 Random Thoughts for the Day
1. I honestly could not care less about what what's-her-face did on some made-up awards show. Really. It was done for shock value, and by giving it your attention you are falling into the exact trap that the little twit intended. Thus, it isn't she who is the moron… (You know where this is going, don't you?) 2. You can tell a lot about a man just by looking at his hands. Am I stereotyping? Duh. Take a man with a manicure, for instance. That tells me several things about him: he is either incapable of performing his own physical tasks, or is too pretentious to do so; he is more concerned about appearance than performance; and that he pays attention to the wrong details. I don't trust a man with a manicure. A man with scars on his hands, callouses, maybe even a little dirt under the nails – that's a man who's not afraid to work , and that's the man I want to work with. 4. ...