Goodbye, My Memphis

I’ve always said that one of the cruelest tricks God plays on man is to make our pets’ lifespans shorter than our own. It’s a trick most of us nevertheless fall for time and again, though we know the result will always be the same. For the last seven years it’s a trick I’ve managed to avoid…. Until this morning. And now that the trick’s been played, my heart aches with a wound from which it will take untold time to heal. We all have that one point in our lives when we hit rock bottom. For me it was the Spring of 2013. The details at this point don’t matter. Suffice it to say I found myself a broken man at that time. In so many ways my life was spiraling out of control. Like a whirling dervish with no point of focus, I nearly spun myself to a place from which I genuinely feared I might never return. Now, I may carry God with me wherever I go with two crosses tattooed on my arms, but my faith had begun to waiver long ago. At the time of my life, it had evaporated. Perhaps I n...