Ramblings of a New Dad: First Christmas

In the span of four days my beloved offspring turned eleven months old and celebrated her very first Christmas. And this dad's head exploded. I think there are still bits of my brain in the Christmas tree. (Okay, first, ew. And second, EW!) Oh grow up. My head didn't really explode. Figuratively, however, there's bits-o-brain everywhere. My daughter is eleven months old. In less than a month's time, she'll be one year old. And for the record, can someone explain to me again why we measure baby life in months? She'll be a year old. Yes, technically, that's also twelve months. I don't know why but it annoys me when people say "oh my little one just turned twelve months old." Your kid is ONE, Brenda. One year old. (You get annoyed at the most random things.) I do. I can't help it sometimes. Don't ask me about what happens when I see people who have their windshield wipers going too fast. ...