Observing the Observable
As Ferris Bueller reminded us, life moves pretty fast. If you don't take time to stop and look around, you might miss it. So I looked around today. What. The. Fudge nuggets. Life. (Fudge nuggets???) Would you rather I say farfegnugen? (*squints* It's going to be one of those posts, isn't it?) Yup. It sure is. Anywhoos, I did some casual observing lately; traveling, on the drive to work, walking to get lunch, perusing social media…. There are some interesting observations to be had. In no particular order…. 1. The weather has been nicer the last couple of days, and again the weirdo convertible drivers are out driving with their tops down… and windows up. Now, don't get all defensive and say it cuts down on the wind and that's why Sheila with her hair bun, or Devon with his man-bun, has the windows up. Because you're wrong and can go sit in the corn...