
Showing posts from February, 2017

Those People...

The following is a direct quote that someone posted on Facebook this afternoon. After having stated that the writer hadn't seen anything that had "gone wrong yet" in this country since Trump took office, I noted the sharp uptick in anti-Semitism since he was sworn in. This person's response, and I swear I am not making this up, was to say:   "[y]ou realize most of the hate in this country is from the illegal immigrants that are here. Don't be so surprised when the report comes out that the Jewish center bomb threats and the cemetery shit was all of those people… but you believe what you will little snowflake."   (Holy f*ck, dude. I mean… holy f*ck.)   Yeah. I honestly don't even know where to begin with this. This statement, on its face and like so much coming from the President this person supports, is rampant with mistruth, misdirection, and barely veiled racism. Let's break it down:   "Most of the hate in ...

Love and Birds and Stuff

I feel like I should be writing a message about love and chocolates and flowers and puppies and bacon and stuff.   (Puppies… and bacon?)   Nothing says love like bacon. And scotch.   (Dude. Seriously. You have issues.)   I know, my dear, parenthetical heckler. I know.   Here's the thing – I don't feel like writing about love. Not in the traditional sense, anyway. I know, I know, it's Valentine's Day. But, honestly, do you know how this holiday started? And what it represents? I mean, if you read some reports, it has to do with the mid-February mating rituals of migratory birds in the Middle Ages.   (Surely you're not serious. WAIT!!!! I didn't mean to –)   Yes I am, and don't call me Shirley.   (Dammit. Walked right into that one.)   You surely did. Now, don't get me wrong; I'm as romantic as the next guy. Actually, let me take that back – I'm way more romantic, generall...

A Bipartisan Calling

There is no question that our political system exists in a state of chaos. This post is intended to convey a different, less politically charged message than you've read here on these pages as of late. This post is intended to convey a message of bipartisanship and cooperation. I was awake last night, thinking, as I'm often prone to do. I thought on the confirmation hearings, the animosity, and the rhetoric coming from both sides of the political aisle. Regardless of who sits in the Oval Office, the buffoonery of Congress continues, and it saddens me. So I imagined myself as a wide-eyed, idealistic United States Senator, newly elected, and stepping into the long-standing fray. I ask myself how I'd react, and I'm reminded of the film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington .    Would I have the courage to speak? If so, what would I say? That, my friends, is a difficult question to answer, and one I shouldn't have asked myself at one o'clock in the mor...