Those People...
The following is a direct quote that someone posted on Facebook this afternoon. After having stated that the writer hadn't seen anything that had "gone wrong yet" in this country since Trump took office, I noted the sharp uptick in anti-Semitism since he was sworn in. This person's response, and I swear I am not making this up, was to say: "[y]ou realize most of the hate in this country is from the illegal immigrants that are here. Don't be so surprised when the report comes out that the Jewish center bomb threats and the cemetery shit was all of those people… but you believe what you will little snowflake." (Holy f*ck, dude. I mean… holy f*ck.) Yeah. I honestly don't even know where to begin with this. This statement, on its face and like so much coming from the President this person supports, is rampant with mistruth, misdirection, and barely veiled racism. Let's break it down: "Most of the hate in ...