In Memorial
" I've figured it out. The hardest part when someone dies so suddenly is not getting to say goodbye." A friend of mine recently posted these words in the wake of a personal loss. I wish I could hug my friend. I wish I could be there for her, and I wish that I couldn't relate to this sentiment. But I can. Because I too lost someone suddenly this past weekend. It's not fair. It's devastating. It's heartbreaking and infuriating and leaves us asking why. Why, when there is so much evil and darkness in this world, are beacons of good and light taken from us? Why are the kind-hearted punished, afflicted, or made to suffer? Why are the very ones whose purposes were seemingly to bring joy to others deprived of that ability? Don't tell me it's God's will. Don't tell me it's destiny. Don't tell me everything happens for a reason. Even if all of that is true, it assuages no pain. It offers no healing. And it still offers no reas...