
Showing posts from June, 2016

In Memorial

" I've figured it out. The hardest part when someone dies so suddenly is not getting to say goodbye." A friend of mine recently posted these words in the wake of a personal loss. I wish I could hug my friend. I wish I could be there for her, and I wish that I couldn't relate to this sentiment. But I can. Because I too lost someone suddenly this past weekend. It's not fair. It's devastating. It's heartbreaking and infuriating and leaves us asking why. Why, when there is so much evil and darkness in this world, are beacons of good and light taken from us? Why are the kind-hearted punished, afflicted, or made to suffer? Why are the very ones whose purposes were seemingly to bring joy to others deprived of that ability?   Don't tell me it's God's will. Don't tell me it's destiny. Don't tell me everything happens for a reason. Even if all of that is true, it assuages no pain. It offers no healing. And it still offers no reas...

We Now Return You to Our Regular Programming

I hate the fact that I've been inspired by recent events, but such is the existence of a writer; you take inspiration when and from whence it comes....       Prologue.   You were my sunset; You were my every day; You were my love; You were waves at my shore; And now you are   more.   You were my stars; You were my silent gaze; You were my whispers; You were everything I adore; And now you are no more.   You were my rock; You were my everything; You were my laughter;   You were the smile I wore; And now you are no more.   You are still my light; You are still my heart; You are still my eternity; You are still my love's core; And will be forever more.   Liam Oliver stepped away from the podium, and it took several moments for even the priest to regain his composure. With few exceptions, nearly every person in attendance at Ale...

Another Post I Shouldn't Need To Write.

This morning I am sad. I am sad because fifty people are dead with as many if not more injured in yet another shooting on American soil. I am sad because events such as the shooting in Orlando continue to occur. I am sad because events like this, instead of galvanizing us as a nation, continue to drive an ideological wedge between our citizens. And I am sad because these shootings bring out the utter, abject ignorance of the American population. Let's get a few things straight here: ·          Yes, this was an act of terrorism, committed by an Islamic radical. No, that does not mean that all Muslims are Islamic radicals. So stop perpetuating hate against an entire religious group. And before you jump in and scream that the Koran teaches hate and death and destruction of the infidel, try reading the Holy Bible. Stop hiding behind "Christian values" to condemn another religion. The Bible tells us to keep slaves, and murder in the name ...

It's not Culture, it's Criminal

"His life will never be the one that he dreamed about and worked so hard to achieve…. That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life.” Let those words sink in. The father of a convicted sex offender uttered those words in a letter lamenting the fact that his son, again, a convicted sex offender, would have to pay a steep price of a whopping six months of jail for committing sexual assault. *blink blink* Let me explain a few things to this gentleman: Sexual assault is not "20 minutes of action." Your son knowingly took advantage of an inebriated young woman. He ignored that fact that she was drunk, blaming his own drunkenness for his actions, actions which entailed removing the woman's clothing and physically accosting her. Evidence showed that the woman was unconscious when two passers-by witnessed the assailant in the process. He ran; thanks and praise go out to the two good Samaritans who recognized th...

The Why of D-Day

D-Day; seventy-two years ago today, twenty-nine years before I was born. They didn't complain. They didn't wine about hurt feelings. They volunteered, fought, and in far too many instances, died without question. It was their duty; not one imposed upon them, but one self-instilled with pride.   Few times in history has America's youth, and they were young, faced such adversity. Yet faced it they did, with unwavering devotion to their country and the notion of freedom. As a friend of mine succinctly put it this morning, "there were no participation trophies on Omaha Beach." They were indeed the Greatest Generation. And now, here we are, seventy-two years later, whining and complaining about hurt feelings and who gets to use what bathroom at Target.   What. The. Hell. Happened?   I'll tell you what's happened; we as a nation have taken for granted the bravery and sacrifice of those before us. We expect, rather than earn. We desire instead ...


Summer wouldn't begin, officially, for another three weeks. The sun didn't care; it shone brightly and scorched down upon every bit of exposed flesh on his body. Perhaps he didn't notice, or he simply didn't care. He just stood there and stared at the cold, stone marker in front of which he'd placed a small, star-spangled banner on a stick.   An older woman nearby noticed him standing there, and couldn't help but to approach him before she left the cemetery. She walked with a cane to counter her noticeable limp, a product of old age more than injury. She was a kind soul, and placed an arthritic hand on his shoulder.     "I'm sorry for your loss, young man," she said to him softly, motherly. Her words stirred him from his trance. Her eyes were every bit as soulful as the dulcet and comforting tone of her voice.   "Thank you, but I didn't lose anyone."   Surprised, she replied "oh, I see. Then you...