What Polonius Said....
Ok, so I saw something on Facebook that really irked me. (Just one thing?) Ok, something in particular , Captain Literal. I saw a meme that read "a woman can't change a man because she loves him, a man changes himself because he loves her. " *blink blink* No. Wrong. Absolutely not. The second part of this statement is without question, unequivocally, undeniably, a piece of unadulterated bullsh*t. (Uh, tell us how you really feel….) No. Wrong. Absolutely not. The second part of this statement is – (Okay, okay! We get it…. Total BS. I can't believe I'm going to ask this question, but why?) I'm glad you asked. The answer, which I'll state simply before prattling on for multiple paragraphs in further explanation, can be summed up thusly: No one should have to change themselves for love. Ever. Here's the thing – I've been married. Twice. I'v...