Ire and Ideology
All Christians belong to the KKK. All of them. Therefore all Christianity should be banned. (I…uh…what the hell is going here?) What? I mean, all Muslims are terrorists, right? So it stands to reason that all Christians belong to the KKK. Because of all people of a faith must be equated with the least common denominator of that particular faith. That's how it works, doesn't? (Um, not really….) No, not really. Not in any way, shape or form, frankly. Yet social media is full of rants and ravings decrying the Muslim faith, calling for internment camps, deportations, and refusal to accept refugees. I've said it before and I'll say it again: The ignorant reactions so many people in the country have to situations of terrorism makes me ashamed to be an American. Muslim extremists are just that; they are extreme factions of a faith that act upon misplaced ideology separately, distinctly and apart from the basic tenet of the underlying faith. Hence m...