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After yesterday's seriousnessness, I figure we should jump into a little levity. Levitation, if you will. I mean, not the "make R2-D2 float in a swamp" kind of levitation. Only Jedi can do that. Well, and Jedi Knights in training, I suppose, since Luke wasn't really a Jedi yet at that point. I mean frivolity. Don't go making stuff float around. You'll freak out your coworkers. (Oh sweet bejeebus, how much caffeine have you had already??) Um, let's see… sixteen ounces, plus a cup of tea, carry the two…. (*bangs head on desk*) Oh pish posh. Don't be so dramatic. My point is that there has been a lot of travesty in the news lately. I opted to speak my mind about one particularly disturbing story, and while I was generally supported in my stance, I did receive a fair share of negative responses decrying my failure to voice my outrage at other social issues in the same breath. To my detractors I say a) don't eq...