Sensationally Desensitized
"I hate everybody. As far as I'm concerned everyone on the planet can just drop dead." (Uh, um, you okay there, sport?) As a teenager I had a t-shirt bearing that quote beside a picture of Calvin, of Calvin & Hobbes fame, depicted with his arms crossed and a pissy look on his face. I was a sarcastic cynic even back then. Can you believe it? (Yes…) Shut it, you. That was rhetorical. Anyway, no, I do not hate everybody, and I do not wish for everyone on the planet to perish. Imagine how bored I'd be. But there are those times when I look around at the people surrounding me and realize just how shallow the gene pool has really become. (So, this is going to be one of those uplifting posts, then?) *gives stink eye* Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me you've never had one of those days when you're just disgusted with humanity. Tell me you haven't looked at someone and thought to yourself ...