
Showing posts from May, 2015

Sensationally Desensitized

"I hate everybody. As far as I'm concerned everyone on the planet can just drop dead."   (Uh, um, you okay there, sport?)   As a teenager I had a t-shirt bearing that quote beside a picture of Calvin, of Calvin & Hobbes fame, depicted with his arms crossed and a pissy look on his face. I was a sarcastic cynic even back then. Can you believe it?   (Yes…)   Shut it, you. That was rhetorical. Anyway, no, I do not hate everybody, and I do not wish for everyone on the planet to perish. Imagine how bored I'd be. But there are those times when I look around at the people surrounding me and realize just how shallow the gene pool has really become.   (So, this is going to be one of those uplifting posts, then?)   *gives stink eye*   Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me you've never had one of those days when you're just disgusted with humanity. Tell me you haven't looked at someone and thought to yourself ...

Everything, and Nothing

Every once in a while I'll write a follow up to a prior entry, though not often. In this case though, well, I just couldn't believe that that there wasn't more the story I began for Hayley and Nicholas in Everything or Nothing . It seemed too easy. You can refresh your memory by clicking here: Their tale continues here, with Everything, and Nothing …. *** Dawn and Jenny had truly hoped that Hayley would find the love she deserved with Nicholas. True to her nature, however, Hayley couldn't break the cycle of rejecting everything good in her life, including Nicholas. He had done everything right: he'd held her close when she needed holding; He gave her space when she needed to be alone; he kissed her, wiped her tears, laughed at her corny jokes and was even honest with her when he disagreed with her. He didn't lavish her with gifts, but treated her with respect. In short, he...

The Cathartic Clean Slate

"It's mine, you understand? Mine! All mine!" ~ Daffy Duck.   (I, uh… you're starting a blog post with a Looney Tunes quote?)   Yup. I sure am.   (Oh cripes….)   Oh don't get your knickers in a twist. Let me explain: Those that know me personally know that the last two-plus years have been tumultuous at best, having included a second divorce, major career upheaval, and deaths of family members and friends. To say that my time and my life have not particularly been my own is perhaps understating the notion. The last several months, however, have taken a decidedly heavy swing upward. Now, that's not to say that I haven't had my share of disappointment in the last several months as well, but I think I've learned to change my attitude and the way in which I react to such negativity such that I'm not affected nearly as greatly as I might have been in the past.   This leads me to my Daffy Duck moment: I purchased...