Something a Little Less Rational
Ok, I admit, yesterday's post was a little heavy. So let us funny walk our way to the other side of my psychosis Monty Python style and delve into something a little lighter... *** So, I was thinking…. (Oh crap, here we go….) You just be quite, imaginary, parenthetical heckler. (You started it….) ANYWAY, as I was saying – I was thinking, about a great many things. Topics range from cars to women to song writing to sno cones to my favorite type of chocolate. Do you want to know what I concluded? (This should be good….) I said be quite, imagined reaction of my readers brought to life in parenthesis!!! (Fiiiiiine. Will there at least be cookies?) * * * Are you done? *pause* (Yes.) Now then… I have concluded that there is no such thing as rational thought when it comes to what we like or love. I'll pause again while you ponder that, and then I'll say it again: There is no such thing as rational thought when it comes to ...