Timing is everything... Or is it?
Life is all about timing. Even your car has a timing belt. (And NO, it is not made by Gucci or Armani. It’s a coil of rubber that wraps around pulleys and… Never mind….) The point is, everything in life boils down to timing. I was reminded of this fact over the last few days. On Tuesday of this week, for the first time in easily five years or more, I took to the ice in an effort to resurrect my hockey playing “career.” And by “career” I of course mean “going to skate & shoot prior to joining a men’s league to pretend I am a far better player than I really am.” My hockey playing, and skill level, were both hampered early on by a blown out knee. Still, I love the game, and can offer no legitimate reason as to why I’ve stayed out of it for so long. Why start back up now, at nearly forty years of age? Timing. A friend of a friend needed skaters, and I just happened to be available. So, in the immortal words spoken in the great Tom Cruise movie (before he went bat sh*t crazy) R...