Dark Ops: Everglades
Yesterday I posed a challenge to readers on both my professional and personal Facebook walls to submit ideas for a story. I promised that I would choose one of those ideas and write a story naming the "contestant" as the protagonist. That task turned out to be much more difficult than I imagined. Therefore, instead of choosing one story idea, I have mashed several of them together and have incorporated as many of those that submitted ideas into the story. What you are about to read below is the fruit of that endeavour. Please note, however, that for those of you from whom I have (with your permission) taken characters' names, I will, as always, take great liberties in the writing. While your characters will bear your names, and likely many of your personal traits, there will also be many deviations, characteristics and situations which may not be reflective of who you are in real life. If at any time, as I weave this tale, you become uncomfortable with how the story ...