The Unintentionally Intentional Smile
Writing, for me at least, is perhaps one of my most selfish endeavors, amounting to a therapeutic gushing of self expression. It is means to core-dump all of my stress and anxiety into something a tad bit more productive. Relieving the tremendous pressure in my head by allowing the maelstrom of words and ideas to dissipate, the act itself, typing the words on the screen before me, is akin to turning that pressure gauge down before the boiler blows. It’s something I must do for me, ergo egocentric. BUT… (isn’t there’s always a but…) let’s face it – if I wasn’t sharing my words, then I’d basically be just talking to myself which, as we all know, is one step away from living by myself in a house full of cats and trying to teach them to meow the tune to It’s a Small World After All. (It can be done, if I can just get Mr. Wiggles and Princess Prancy-Paws to work on their timing.) Point being: Yes, the underlying act of writing is a selfish cause designed to benefit me, myself and the voice...