
Showing posts from September, 2011

The Reunion, Chapter 2

At the rate ideas are coming to me for this story I should have it completed in about a month or so, depending upon how much I am able to write per day. What I present to you now, for your reading pleasure, commentary, and inquiry, is the uncut, unedited, raw first look. However, as I am writing this to be published, this unfortunately will likely be the last look you get before it's completed. So please share any thoughts or suggestions now and perhaps you can help me shape this story.  Without further ado, please join me as we follow Jamie Tanner on the journey his life takes after a chance encounter at... The Reunion. _____________ Chapter 2. Jamie sat on the deck and sipped his coffee. A warm, early September breeze blew strongly and caused ripples to work their way across the surfaces of the large, in ground pool and hot tub to his right. Closing his eyes he breathed in the sweet, late summer air and embraced the warmth of the sun on his...

Creativity, Thou Hast Taken a Different Path

In case you hadn't noticed, I tend to write a lot about paths and journeys and how those that we follow inevitably intertwine. Well, all the reunion activity over the past weekend had provided me living, breathing examples of how that happens. It's also inspired me and given me an idea for a new story. As you know I am a stream of consciousness writer. When the ideas come, I type, it's that simple. Yes, I know I should be working on Phaedrus, and yes, I know I've already said that several times already. I will finish it soon, I promise. In the meantime, this story entered my mind and is insisting to be told. Below is the first chapter of what will be many. This is most definitely a story that I will be finishing. When? When it tells me it's done. Until then I offer the first chapter of my new work entitled, simply, "Reunion," written just now on my lunch break.  Again, your thoughts/comments/questions are solicited and appreciated. ______________________ ...

Twenty Years Later...

Yes, I'm still in a reflective state of mind. Thank you very much Jimmy Buffett and the ever flowing sands of time for my nostalgia.  What was it that set me off this time? The dreaded "R" word. (And NO, I'm not talking about Rheumatoid Arthritis. Enough with the old jokes, because I know for a fact that most of you reading this are older than I am and you're just jealous.) No, I'm talking about my reunion. My twenty-year reunion, to be exact. Holy. Sweet. Bejeevus. I graduated from high school twenty years ago. Ask me if I was nervous. The answer, incidentally, is childishly, neurotically, and unnecessarily yes. Why? Who knows. I think that after all these years there remains for many of us a deep seated insecurity and longing for acceptance and approval from those around us. I'm no different. Every cliched thought and question that you can think of passed through my mind as I walked in the room: Will they think I'm fat? Will the popular girls talk ...

New Ideas

As I've mentioned previously, I will, from time to time, share some new thoughts and ideas in this space to garner your opinion. While I know I should be focusing on completing Phaedrus: Turmoil on the Frontier , I had some other ideas pop into my head for a story. So guess what? Gold star to the first person who answers "Are you going to share it with us?" Well, actually a silver star, because you answered my question with a question. This isn't Jeopardy.  But yes, here are a few paragraphs which I present to you for a first look. Sign up to follow this blog and comment here, or feel free to leave a comment on my Facebook wall at (James J. Goodman) and let me know what you think. There are many ways that this story can go, if it goes anywhere... So without further ado... _____ He barely noticed the throbbing in his knuckles. Or the blood that covered them, for that matter. Nor did he notice his own labored breathing. Instead his eyes fixed intently on t...

A Writer Looks at Forty...

Granted, I'm still looking at forty from a distance, I have most decidedly NOT been drunk for two weeks, and if I've made enough money to buy Miami then someone forgot to tell me. I paraphrase, of course, from Jimmy Buffett's great song "A Pirate Looks at Forty." Anyway you look at it though, Jimmy's words are ringing a little truer these days and have caused me to do a great deal of reflection. What brought all this on, you ask? Well, I've been listening to a lot of Buffett lately, mostly because my satellite radio told me that I received a "subscription update" and I now am able to listen to Radio Margaritaville. I've been afraid to turn it off, kind of like free porn. (NOT REALLY. Good grief haven't you people ever watched Friends?) A Pirate Looks at Forty played me into my parking lot this morning and got me to thinking. I just turned  thirty-eight a little over a month ago. There is no longer any doubt that I am on the downward s...