
Showing posts from October, 2021

Pandemically Pessimistic: Why I Can No Longer Deal with Anti-Vaxers

  I've written something like this and deleted it many times over, because I hadn't wanted to anger or offend those that I love and care for… but I can't hold it in any more. Because, honestly, I'm angered. I'm offended. And more troubling, I'm heartbroken . It guts me to see members of my family and friends buying into COVID-19 misinformation so fully that they refuse to get vaccinated. Because, of those I know, there is absolutely no legitimate reason whatsoever, no religious exemption, no underlying medical condition, nothing that should prevent them from getting vaccinated. The only thing standing in their way is a dangerous mix of misinformation and willful ignorance.   Let's start with this: Literally half of the entire human race is vaccinated at this point with at least one dose; over a third is fully vaccinated. And no, I'm not exaggerating. Half of all of humanity, billions of human beings world-wide. And you're worried about, what, e...