Ramblings of a New Dad: Four Months and a Wake Up
I have now been a father for four, count 'em FOUR months, and there is one thing I can confirm, unequivocally, beyond any shadow of a doubt, with all certainty: When you have a baby, you have baby shit. Everywhere. EV-ERY-WHERE. (Diaper issues?) Well, that too, but I'm referring to the aforementioned-in-this-blog paraphernalia that accompanies the creation of another human being. There is nary a room in our house that doesn't contain something baby-related now. I am not exaggerating, either. Kitchen. Living room. Dining room. Family room. Bedroom. Bathrooms. Man Cave. Even the Attic. I'm pretty sure there's some swaddling wraps in the shed. Baby. Stuff. EVERYWHERE. Remember way back when I talked about registering, and how our friends and family advised us on what to get, what not to get, what you really need, etc.? That's all we have; pretty much just the essentials. And it still covers approximately 1,773 square feet ...