Ramblings of a New Dad: Month One
Tomorrow is February 22 nd , meaning my daughter will be a month old already. But, if you measure her in Celsius, or, you know, with the Canadian exchange rate, she's already four weeks old as of this past Monday. (I… wait, what???) Yeah, me too. (Not getting much sleep yet, huh?) Oh holy fudge nuggets, no. (Fudge nug… I'm gonna need more coffee for this.) So how exactly do we age babies? I mean, you hear most people talk about their infants in terms of weeks, but then there are those that describe their child's age in months. Which measure am I supposed to use? What happens at two months when your baby is born in January, and, you know, February isn't a real month? Will she not be two months old until March 24 th , if you use a thirty day month? Or the 25 th ? It's like they use Common Core to describe your baby's age. (Please have some more coffee.) I'm working on ...