
Showing posts from January, 2018

Ramblings of an Expectant Dad: Episode IX

So, in case you haven't been paying attention, I'm going to be a dad.   (*shocked face* I had no idea!)   I know, crazy, right? I mean, it just kind of snuck up on me!   (*blink blink*)   Fine. It didn’t sneak up on me. I've been rambling about it like a crazy person for months. Still, I will admit I had a minor freak-out when I got to work on January 2 nd , flipped my calendar, and there it was, my daughter's due date on the calendar, right there in black and white. Now, as some of you have pointed out, babies don't always come on the due dates. And no, I didn't need you to point that out… It's not like I'm, like, a really smart, stable genius or anything *coughcough* but having that reference point now staring me in the face every day made things seen even more… real .   This is real.   This is happening.   In a matter of approximately eighteen days, I will go from being an expectant dad to bei...