Ramblings of an Expectant Dad: Part Four
Three months, a week, and a wake-up. One hundred days. One. Hundred. Days. Dear holy poop on a Pringle, I'm going to be a father in one hundred days. (Poop on a… *shakes head*) What? It's kind of like crap on a cracker, only worse. Because Pringles aren't quite as hardy as crackers. (How many cups of coffee have you had this morning?) *gives stink eye* Anywhoos…. Okay, I fully understand that the countdown isn't exact. She could take after her mother and be a little late, or take after her father and be a little early. The fact remains that there are only one hundred days remaining until my daughter's due date, and I'm freakin' right the f*ck out. A little. A smidge. A skosh, if you will. I'm keeping it together, really. *twitch* (Alright, bucko, take a deep breath.) Easy for you to say. And I'm sure you realize that for the purposes of humor I t...