
Showing posts from September, 2016

Welcome to the Speakeasy

His eyes had glassed over hours earlier, and Zach had smartly taken his keys at the first opportunity. Zach had tended that bar, and served him plenty enough whiskey, to know that he'd not be driving home that evening. Alex was drunk; of that there was no question. But this was different, even for him.   "What's going on, man? You okay?" asked Zach as he adorned a glass with a spiraled orange peel.   "I'm just tired of it."   "Tired of what?"   "All of it. Life. Politics. Ignorance. Everything. I just want to go somewhere where none of this shit exists."   Zach scoffed. "Good luck with that. Send me a postcard when you get there."   Alex returned Zach's scoff and rolled his eyes. "Right? Might as well go lookin' for unicorns and pots of gold."   "Don't forget us little people when you find it."   Alex mumbled something indiscerni...